Climate data repository for efficient decision making, environmental governance and investment for climate-resilient economy.

  • Lack of credible information

    Connecting all dots for credible information as centralised information with high accuracy is missing.

  • No practical depth

    Limited depth in understanding critical climate conundrum leading to restrictions in decision.

  • World is changing fast

    Immense lack of actionable insights as the world is rapidly becoming more climate-conscious.

Blueprint for your sustainability goals

Blueprint for your sustainability goals

Climate Insights

Climate Insights

Climate data repository for understanding climate change financial risks, efficient decision making, environmental governance and investment for climate-resilient economy.

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Climate Communications for All

Climate Communications for All

Multi-dimensional global challenge affecting all deserves climate action, collaboration and communication by all.

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Minimise Your Climate Risk

Minimise Your Climate Risk

We gather, study, analyse and use accurate data to help minimise your climate risk and achieve your corporate sustainability goals.

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Policy breakdown

Policy breakdown

Actively monitor climate policies to understand their potential impact on our business operations and ensure our strategies align with NetZero goals, mitigating risks and capitalizing on opportunities.

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Stirring Climate Curiosity

Provoking thoughts, arousing questions and triggering insights for climate action

Renewable Energy

The New Indian Express

Putting women at centre of global climate action

Women bear the brunt of climate change much more than men. On the other hand, they are more effective in working at climate solutions. Yet, centuries of patriarchy has curbed their access to resources and decision-making.

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Carbon Capture

ABP Live

What Is Climate Anxiety? Why It Is Affecting GenZ More

About 58 percent of the respondents in a survey said they are "extremely worried and 84 percent are at least moderately worried" about climate change, which is affecting people in their daily lives.

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Urban Sustainability


Air Quality in Decline | Consequences and Solutions For Change | Panel Discussion

A panel discussion explored the rising Air Quality Index (AQI) in cities, its impact on multiple sectors, and long-term solutions to mitigate its effects. Panelists included experts from WRI, CEEW, and the field of sustainability.

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Climate Education

Outlook Publishing(India) - LinkedIn

Major COP 29 Controversies You Need to Know About

While the world watches leaders gather at COP 29 to address climate change, critical controversies surrounding this year’s summit are surfacing. Why is it being hosted in Azerbaijan—a country with alleged human rights violations? And who will fund the costly shift to renewable energy?

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About Us

Climate Action Front works for 'Empowering Change for a Greener Future' on the three principles: research on climate change, reimagine our climate action and reinvent our world order. Our intent and resolution are clear to us as we aim for a sustainable planet, people and economy. We eliminate all your roadblocks and information gaps in your goal to achieve your NetZero targets.

Climate Action Front Team

Meet Our Team

Curious minds driving climate action through innovation, insight and collaboration.

Shubham Thakur

Shubham Thakur

Co-founder, Climate Educator, Data Journalist

Saurav Das

Saurav Das

Co-founder, Policy Researcher, Data Analyst

Atchyuteswar Gottumukkala

Atchyuteswar Gottumukkala

Climate Action Data Scientist, Web Developer